Wisconsin PricePoint
The PricePoint web site allows health care consumers to receive basic, facility-specific information about healthcare services and charges. Consumers can query information for Inpatient services, Outpatient Surgeries, Emergency Department, Urgent Care and Observation visits, and ancillary services such as radiology and therapies.
In October 2017, WHA Information Center (WHAIC) released its latest version of the PricePoint website. In addition to providing facility-specific charges and financial data for care provided, it offers guidance to help patients understand what their financial responsibility will be, along with providing estimated charges for services typically associated with conditions or treatments similar to their own. WHAIC also provides links to resources that explain insurance coverage, payment options and terminology commonly used regarding health care payment. If hospitals provide additional assistance with patient financial counselors, that information is also provided to the consumers.
The first version of PricePoint was released by WHA Information Center in February 2005 including Inpatient data only. PricePoint Version 2.0 was released October 2006. This version included Outpatient Surgeries and the ability to compare selected hospitals. In 2008, Emergency Department and Urgent Care services were included on PricePoint.
In January 2009, PricePoint included a Top 25 list for the high-volume APR-DRGs statewide. In January 2011, PricePoint provided a Top 75 list based on volume of APR-DRGs statewide and the Top 75 list for the top CPTs statewide. In April 2012, WHAIC released the first category of EAPGs (Enhanced Ambulatory Payment Groups) on PricePoint.
For more information on EAPGs - EAPG Notes | EAPG FAQs
In August 2014, observation services data was added displaying median charges for the Top 20 reasons patients access observation care units in Wisconsin hospitals.
PricePoint was created without a legislative mandate and it is just one of the many ways that Wisconsin hospitals are demonstrating their commitment to health care transparency by providing information that can help consumers, employers and insurers with health care decisions.
The website also provides aggregate “discount” information for each hospital for private insurance, Medicare and Medicaid. This information allows users to understand how hospitals’ charges compare to the amount of revenue they actually collect for services provided.