Data Sets
Quarterly Discharge Data Sets
Pursuant to Chapter 153, Wisconsin Statutes, all Wisconsin hospital and surgery centers are required to submit inpatient and outpatient data to WHAIC. The data sets are released every quarter to support timely and responsive decision-making. The data give users the flexibility to analyze numerous aspects of Wisconsin's hospital and surgery center operations.
WHAIC provides the quarterly discharge data sets in two data formats: Relational and Fixed-Width. The main differences between the formats are the number of diagnoses and procedures provided on a single record and the revenue line detail. The Fixed-Width format provides a maximum of ten diagnoses and six procedures for a single record, whereas the relational format provides all of the diagnoses and procedures on a single record. Another difference is that the Present on Admission (POA) Indicators are only available in the relational format.
The relational format includes the revenue-enhanced data, which are line item details that include revenue codes, CPT/HCPCS, units of service and the revenue line charges.
Which data types are available in the two data formats?
- Emergency Department Visits
- Inpatient
- Outpatient Surgery
- Emergency Department Visits
- Inpatient
- Observation
- Other Hospital Outpatient (OHO)
- Outpatient Surgery
One enhancement available, in the fixed-width format, is the Physician-Enhanced data. This data provides the physician names and their respective specialty.
Available with the relational data are Physician-Enhanced and Border-State County Enhanced data. The border-state county enhanced data provides all of the county names, regardless of which state the county resides.
If you have any questions on the data sets, please contact Brian Competente.
Annual Hospital Survey Data Sets
Every year, WHAIC surveys Wisconsin hospitals to collect detailed demographic, utilization, service, staffing and financial data. The data it collects is summarized in its Annual Publications and is also available as raw data in two Hospital Survey Data Sets – the Annual Hospital Survey Data Set and the Fiscal Hospital Survey Data Set. Each of the data sets are $120.
The Hospital Survey Data Sets provide valuable insight into the efficiency and financial health of Wisconsin hospitals. With the Hospital Survey Data Sets, your organization can:
- Analyze hospital services, utilization, staffing and financial performance
- Identify and compare hospital services
- Examine revenue, expenses, operating margins and other financial information
- Evaluate a hospital's uncompensated care - including charity care and bad debt
Certified Health Cost Fee Database for WI Worker's Compensation Program
The Worker’s Compensation Certified Health CostDatabases bring transparency to patients and insurers by providing the resources needed to ensure reasonable fees for Medical services. WHAIC creates Worker’s Compensation Certified Databases for inpatient, hospital outpatient and radiology services. These databases are updated every six months. Each database is $280.