New Facility/Services

All Wisconsin, Medicare-certified, hospitals, including psychiatric hospitals, and freestanding ambulatory surgery centers (FASC) are required to report inpatient and outpatient discharge data to the Wisconsin Hospital Association Information Center (WHAIC) each quarter.
WHAIC collects data pursuant to Chapter 153 of the State Statutes and subject to all terms and conditions as described in ss. DHS 120. Failure to comply with the reporting requirements regardless if the facility uses a vendor or not may result in financial penalties to the organization.
Hospitals & ASCs
- Welcome and Facility Setup Form.
- Upon receipt of the Facility Setup Form, WHAIC will assign a 3-digit Facility ID and link your facility billing NPI number to the database.
- Policy for the assignment of Facility IDs as it relates to mergers, acquisitions and closings.
- Submitting Data and Training
- Data Submitters and Users are required to register to the WIpop Application. Instructions to Register.
- Review the WIpop Roles document prior to registration
- Contact WHAIC Staff to review the manual and data submission schedule.
- Plan accordingly: Hospitals and ASCs are required to use a modified 837 claims file format as outlined in the Data Submitters WIPop 837 Companion Guide and Technical Specifications Manual. Most facilities require the expertise of their EHR/billing vendor, or IT Staff, to develop a modified claims file to submit data. The WHAIC Companion and Technical Specification Guide follows the national ANSI 837 standards and provides specifications for the submission of discharge data to the WHAIC. For more information see /submitters/WIpop/.
- An annual Notice of Rate Increase is required for hospitals
- Understand how your data is used in WHAIC's publications, PricePoint, Discharge Data Deliverables.
Hospitals Only
An annual
Notice of Rate Increase is required for hospitals. State statutes (
DHS 120) require Wisconsin hospitals to report certain price increases to WHAIC.
All Wisconsin hospitals are also required to submit annual hospital surveys to WHAIC. The surveys are the Annual Survey, Fiscal Survey, Personnel Survey, Uncompensated Care and the Medicare Cost Report (Worksheet C). For more information, please review the survey submission page on the website.