The Wisconsin State statutes (
DHS 120) requires Wisconsin hospitals to report certain price increases to WHA Information Center (WHAIC). When a price increase causes a hospital’s gross patient revenue to increase faster than the rate of inflation (specifically, the increase in federal government’s consumer price index, or CPI), the
hospital must report the price increase to its community and WHAIC.
Publication of Notice: Hospital must publish a price increase at least 30 days, but not greater than 45 days prior to the effective date of that price increase.
To meet the requirements, a hospital must publish a notice of the price increase in a local paper. The notice must indicate the individual
charge elements affected by the increase as defined by the statute.
Once a hospital completes the online form, the reported increase is available in real-time by clicking the CPI Information Tile. For more information on the collection and reporting, refer to
the Instructions and Resources Tile.